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It’s always time for a heart-to-heart with Hank

Henry Sadlo and I have been best friends since childhood when we were next door neighbors. Today, thousands know Dr. Sadlo as a respected cardiologist and all-around good soul.

(1970)  That's Henry's home behind us
(1970) That’s Henry’s home behind us on Piper Court. We don’t look like troublemakers at all, right?

For Heart Health Month, I invited him to my radio and TV shows to give simple heart maintenance guidance and to talk about the coronary calcium scans that are giving new clarity to heart health.

Thanks also to Regan Judd and Dr. Garth Beache for talking about challenges and remedies for heart issues. Later that day, Henry and I had a throughly personal radio conversation about our lives and heart health guidelines about exercise, eating, alcohol consumption, and signs of troubles. Happy Heart Month! Keep your ticker clicking!

henry shoveling snow UofL 2016

terry henry St X football

henry sadlo fish canada

Henry Sadlo Sr and Henry Sadlo Jr - the radio character was modeled after Henry Sr and his gift of rich storytelling.
Henry Sadlo Sr and Henry Sadlo Jr – the radio character was modeled after Henry Sr and his gift of rich storytelling.
My disgusting chest shows the simplicity of a stress test hookup.  It's quick, painless, and gives you peace of mind on the status of your heart health.  (December 2016)
My disgusting chest shows the simplicity of a stress test hookup. It’s quick, painless, and gives you peace of mind on the status of your heart health. (December 2016)
dad. husband. observer. media personality. pathological flyer.