America's challenging relationship with police departments varies from rage to undying support for the thin blue line. The current presidential campaign offers a variance in views regarding police funding and power. In Louisville, Kentucky, the metro police department has been slowly rebuilding since the 2020 shooting of Breonna Taylor, who was shot to death when police returned fire after Taylor's boyfriend Kenneth Walker shot at officers who broke through the front door to serve a warrant. A Kentucky judge recently dropped core charges against two Louisville police officers who advanced a falsified warrant. The judge ruled that Taylor's partner Walker was responsible for her death by firing the first shot. Walker claimed that he didn't know the people who broke down the
Tag: public safety
Hey WOKE people, in the aftermath of the Nashville bombing, how’s that Defund the Police concept working out?
When loner maniac Anthony Warner parked his RV on Nashville's primary tourist street on Christmas morning, he opted to play a countdown evacuation warning that an explosion was coming. The recording was accurate. The entire RV exploded at 6:41 AM, damaging buildings and vehicles for several blocks. Scant human remains of Warner were identified in the rubble. Police were originally summoned to the area after gunshots were heard a few minutes earlier. Later intelligence suggests that the bomber played sound effects of shots fired. Was the maniac trying to lure first responders and cops into a death trap? We may never know. That lunatic is dead. Speculation is that he was paranoid about 5G service spying on people so he parked the RV
Impatient LGBTQ human rights activist drives onto active marathon course to get to her meeting
A self-styled human rights activist drove her car onto a half marathon course because she was tired of waiting during the street closure. Runners and onlookers pounded on her car and shouted at her to stop. British poet Joanna Pine claimed she needed to get to a writing workshop and was driving as slowly as she could. Not considering that she could have been shot as a terrorist driver plowing into pedestrians, Pine now admits that it was "a stupid thing" to do. But she loves people! Luckily Gomer Pyle and Barney Fife weren't participating in the Plymouth half marathon.