Joseph R. Biden, a former vice president and senator, was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States at 11:49 a.m. President Biden immediately signed multiple executive orders reversing policies (immigration, travel bans, climate action) put into place by his predecessor President Donald Trump. Before the Bidens officially entered the White House as the new First Couple, there was a brief walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. Attendance was extremely limited due to the coronavirus pandemic. The new Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris also walked the route. Lady Gaga won the day on the entertainment front. Her rendition of The Star Spangled Banner was magnificent. Three former presidents attended the inauguration ceremony. An additional event brought them together with President Biden and
Tag: george w bush
What a proud legacy – bias, vulgarians, and the splintered media climate
Stay classy, snowflake. It's time for President Donald Trump's 2018 State of the Union address. TV pundits eagerly promote that they "will be providing analysis" after the speech. Haha. They mean "analysis" that they've already written in advance. Fox will kiss ass. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, all awards shows, late night comics, social media, Hollywood, sad newspaper dinosaurs, and vile snowflakes will kick his ass. Now you you don't have to watch! Colbert leads the daily Trump hate parade. Remember the overriding rule in today's grievance culture. Whine, whine, whine. Somebody will eventually give you some attention. American media teaches us the basic rule: If it's a conservative, it is evil. If it is liberal, it is to