"In Cuban-fashion, millions of judge-jury-executioner online snitches, with government encouragement, will help root out incorrect thoughts at light speed." Victor Hanson Davis The last two years have wrought a societal slump that could reduce the United States of America to ruins. McCarthyism is back. The woke embrace of Cuba's communists and rejection of American exceptionalism is astounding. Bonus stimulus checks without any effort from the recipients. Borders flooded with people demanding to be taken care of. A woke military that's more concerned with social justice than providing national security. Scant police coverage so that looting, assault, and destruction of property are barely noticed. Today's progressives read those words and ask, "So what?" What happened to America? This comprehensive piece from Victor Hanson Davis provides a
Tag: generational misunderstanding
Comedy in the culture of apology
Millennial: "I don't judge people." Me: "You lock your door, don't you?" Millennial: "Yes." Me: "Then you're judging people, dipstick." Of course locking your door doesn't make you judgmental. It's a joke about sound judgment related to known threats in society, the same judgment needed to select your kid's school and the neighborhood you call home. Is comedy dead in a perpetually aggrieved society? Nope. It's just limited to self-deprecation or vilification of oppressive white dudes. The very black Chris Rock isn't allowed to excoriate faulty African Americans any longer. This brilliant comedy piece is 20 years old. Another masterful bit from Rock is entitled How to Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police. Today's #BlackLivesMatter hypersensitivity keeps Rock from doing this type of