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🎧 A parade of WHAS personalities leads to the radio station’s 100th birthday 🎙

#WHAS100years #WHAS100 #LouisvilleMedia #loumedia

With the 100th anniversary of WHAS Radio arriving in July 2022, Terry Meiners is featuring chats with former WHAS personalities, news anchors, and regular contributors. Most of the weekly interviews air Fridays at 4:35 PM.

Dr Ricky Jones and Terry Meiners (2019)

Here’s the series so far, beginning with the best radio personality Louisville has ever heard.

In a special bonus segment, nighttime syndicated host Mark Levin popped on to promote his new book American Marxism.

Here’s a bonus feature spotlight on a vicious bit of hate mail from 1983.

dad. husband. observer. media personality. pathological flyer.